College Life,  Culture,  Technology

Tech Essentials for College Students

Photo courtesy of Brooke Cagle on Unsplash.

Are you about to start college? Do you need some ideas on what electronics to bring with you? Well, it’s your lucky day. Today, I’m going to share with some tech essentials for college students. This list isn’t just for college freshmen, it’s for all college students. Let’s dive right into this.


When I first started college, I didn’t bring my laptop because I just didn’t feel comfortable but when my spring 2020 semester came, I decided that it would be easier if I brought it with me. Personally, I prefer bringing my computer than my iPad because I can do more with it. It’s easier for me to access Microsoft Word and other tools that aren’t easily accessible on my iPad.

I have the 2020 13-inch Macbook Pro with 4 thunderbolt ports. I really love this computer. I can run all my Adobe programs, Word, and more. I’m an Apple person so don’t be surprised if you see more Apple product recommendations on this list and beyond.


Like I mentioned above, I didn’t bring my laptop when I first started college so I brought my iPad instead. I suggest bring both devices to your classes and other events to decide on which device you prefer more. I do like my iPad because I can watch YouTube, listen to music, write notes, and do work on it.

I have the 10.5-inch iPad Pro. I got this one specifically because the Apple Pencil works with it. If you’re a creative, you’ll love this because you can draw and write with it. I’ve had my iPad for about 4 years now and I love it. Since I’m home, I use it to watch YouTube.


Headphones are a necessity no matter if you’re living on or off campus or you’re living at home.

I have the 2nd generation AirPods. I got these from a family member who didn’t use them and ended up getting new ones because the charging aspect was broken. These are so handy because they have their own charging case. Don’t forget to charge it from time to time. I charge my AirPods and the case at night.


This may be a no-brainer but I always bring a charger with me. A portable one and a wall plug. My college has a lot of outlets so I like bring wall plugs because it’s easier. In case I’m somewhere where I don’t have access to an outlet, I have my portable charger which I honestly don’t use that often since there are so many outlets at my college.

I suggest to bring both so you have options.

Apple Watch

I don’t have an Apple Watch but my mom does. She uses it for texting and counting her steps. I kind of wish I had one because my campus is so big. I would’ve loved to have seen how many steps I’ve done. It’s also less distracting for the professor and other students when you need to text someone. You don’t have to whip out your phone since some professors may not allow you to be on your phones during class.

Apple TV or Amazon Firestick

Here’s the thing. An Amazon Firestick is a cheaper alternative to an Apple TV, especially if you’re a college student and can’t afford an Apple TV. I have 2 in my house and I prefer them to the Firestick because they’re better quality devices. My Firestick has its moments where an app may have technical issues like sometimes when I’m watching Hulu, it won’t pause whatever I’m watching.

If you can get your hands on an Apple TV, I suggest you do but don’t feel like you need to. Amazon Firesticks are good and you have the ability to watch streaming services, YouTube, and listen to music.

Long Charging Cord

I wish I knew about long charging cord sooner. To pair with your wall plug, a 6-ft or longer cord may work to your advantage. Sometimes the outlets are in weird places where your cord may not reach it or reach you. I have a 6-ft cord in my room. I love it because I don’t feel like I’m going break my phone or the lamp that my charger is connected to because it’s a great length.

Time to Wrap It Up

I hope this list is helpful for you in deciding what devices or electronics you should bring with you to college. I didn’t have that college dorm experience so I can’t suggest tech that will benefit you in that way but nonetheless I hope that this list is helpful with figuring out what you want to bring to class and your college campus.

I hope to post more college-related posts soon so stay tuned for those!

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